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OPC client


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
DUMP enum 0 Enable communication dump
PEER_ADDRESSES list_of_inet_addr Destination TCP/IP hostname:port, separate multiple entries with comma
SAMPLING_PERIOD float 1 Sampling period [s]
INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT float 1.0 Inactivity timeout [s]
RECONNECT_DELAY float 10 Reconnection delay after connection lost
OPC_HOSTNAME string localhost OPC server hostname (use localhost for OPC server running on the same machine as the OPC agent)
OPC_SERVER string OPC server application ID (i.e. Kepware.KEPServerEX.V5)


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: string


Enter OPC tagname


This stack supports commands.

Command address

Type: string


Enter OPC tagname