USB / LonWorks FTT-10A interface

  • Converter between USB(RS232) and LonWorks
  • Transceiver LonWorks FTT-10A / RS485
  • Gateway
  • Minimal dimensions
Simple module, which delivers complete basic solution for physical LonWorks protocol (LonWorks FTT-10A / RS485). It contains processor FT5000 (Echelon Free-topology smart transceiver), or N5000 (which contains EEPROM memory (up to 48KB)) for application code. User can find all 12 general purpose IO pins on the primary connector. Visualization is done by LED diodes (communication, service pin, reset). Module can be connected directly to the PC with USB port, on which is mapped as a RS232 port with speed up to 115200 bps.



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