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Object classes

Ballast (a.k.a. Lamp)

Ballast is identified by the unique 4-byte address.

In measurement and command names, the address is denoted as <address>, and have following syntax:


where Bx is x-th address byte.


name datatype min max eu description
M_BALLAST_<address>_GROUP i Current group assigned
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP i Latest setpoint, delivered, taking parent setpoints into account
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_EN i Latest enable setpoint
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_P_IDLE i Latest idle power setpoint
M_BALLAST_<address>_SEEN l Ballast seen counter
M_BALLAST_<address>_RSSI l dBm First receiver RSSI
M_BALLAST_<address>_NETWORK_LEVEL i Network level (number of hops from router to gateway)
M_BALLAST_<address>_ALIVE b Ballast seems alive
M_BALLAST_<address>_RC_T i °C RC module temperature
M_BALLAST_<address>_RC_V f V RC module voltage
M_BALLAST_<address>_T f -50 150 °C Luminaire temperature
M_BALLAST_<address>_EA i 0 3001 lx Illuminance
M_BALLAST_<address>_BAT_CHARGE i % Battery charge status
M_BALLAST_<address>_ERR_CONTROL_GEAR b DALI control gear failure
M_BALLAST_<address>_ERR_LAMP b DALI lamp failure
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_SEC i Latest secondary setpoint, taking parent setpoints into account
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_SEC_EN i Latest secondary enable setpoint
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_SEC_P_IDLE i Latest secondary idle power setpoint
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_COLOR i Latest color setpoint
M_BALLAST_<address>_RGB_STATUS i RGB control gear DALI status
M_BALLAST_<address>_W_STATUS i White control gear DALI status
M_BALLAST_<address>_SP_DO0 b Latest DO0 setpoint
M_BALLAST_<address>_TYPE i Reported ballast type
M_BALLAST_<address>_VERSION i Reported ballast version


name datatype min max eu description
C_BALLAST_<address>_STAT b Query ballast status
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_P_SET i Primary setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_P_IDLE_SET i Idle setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_EN_SET i Enable setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_SEC_P_SET i Secondary setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_SEC_P_IDLE_SET i Secondary idle setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_SEC_EN_SET i Secondary enable setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_COLOR_SET i Secondary color setpoint - requested value
C_BALLAST_<address>_SP_DO0_SET b Secondary DO0 setpoint - requested value


Group is a group of ballasts configured by assigning group address to the ballasts, by writing to their group assign command.

Group address zero is used to denote no group assignment.


name datatype min max eu description
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_P i 0 100 Current primary setpoint ON value
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_P_IDLE i 0 100 Current primary setpoint idle value
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_EN i 0 2 Current mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_SEC_P i 0 100 Current secondary setpoint ON value
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_SEC_P_IDLE i 0 100 Current secondary setpoint idle value
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_SEC_EN i 0 2 Current mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_COLOR i -1 16777215 Current color setpoint, rgb code, RRGGBBh
M_GROUP_<i>_SP_DO0 b Current digital output 0 setpoint


name datatype min max eu description
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_P_SET i 0 100 Primary setpoint ON value
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_P_IDLE_SET i 0 100 Primary setpoint idle setpoint
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_EN_SET i 0 2 Mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_SEC_P_SET i 0 100 Secondary setpoint ON value
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_SEC_P_IDLE_SET i 0 100 Secondary setpoint idle value
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_SEC_EN_SET i 0 2 Mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
C_GROUP_<i>_GROUP_ASSIGN i 0 255 Reassign group number
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_COLOR_SET i -1 16777215 Color setpoint, rgb code, RRGGBBh
C_GROUP_<i>_SP_DO0_SET b Digital output 0 setpoint


Broadcast represents all ballasts present in the system.


name datatype min max eu description
M_BCAST_SP_P i 0 100 Current primary setpoint ON value
M_BCAST_SP_P_IDLE i 0 100 Current primary setpoint idle value
M_BCAST_SP_EN i 0 2 Current mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
M_BCAST_SP_SEC_P i 0 100 Current secondary setpoint ON value
M_BCAST_SP_SEC_P_IDLE i 0 100 Current secondary setpoint idle value
M_BCAST_SP_SEC_EN i 0 2 Current mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
M_BCAST_SP_COLOR i -1 16777215 Current color setpoint, rgb code, RRGGBBh
M_BCAST_SP_DO0 b Current digital output 0 setpoint


name datatype min max eu description
C_BCAST_GROUPS_CLEAR b Clear group assignment from all ballasts
C_BCAST_GROUP_SET i Assign group to all ballasts
C_BCAST_SP_P_SET i 0 100 Primary setpoint ON value
C_BCAST_SP_P_IDLE_SET i 0 100 Primary setpoint idle setpoint
C_BCAST_SP_EN_SET i 0 2 Mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
C_BCAST_SP_SEC_P_SET i 0 100 Secondary setpoint ON value
C_BCAST_SP_SEC_P_IDLE_SET i 0 100 Secondary setpoint idle value
C_BCAST_SP_SEC_EN_SET i 0 2 Mode selector, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = idle
C_BCAST_SP_COLOR_SET i -1 16777215 Color setpoint, rgb code, RRGGBBh
C_BCAST_SP_DO0_SET b Digital output 0 setpoint


Control network level.


name datatype min max eu description


name datatype min max eu description
C_NET_EMIT_SETPOINTS b Re-emit all lighting septoints



name datatype min max eu description


name datatype min max eu description