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IEC-60870-5-101 Controlling Station


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
DUMP enum 0 Enable communication dump
TTY tty Communication interface
BAUDRATE enum 115200 Baud rate (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
PARITY enum even Parity (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
N_RETRIES int 2 Maximum number of transaction retries (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
RX_TIMEOUT float 0.8 Receive timeout [s] (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
TX_BUFFER int 16384 Transmit buffer size
OCTETS_LA int 1 # of octets of Link Address (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
OCTETS_CA int 2 # of octets of Common Address of ASDU
OCTETS_IOA int 3 # of octets of Information Object Address
OCTETS_COT int 2 # of octets of Cause Of Transmission
STATION_ADDRESS int Outstation address
POLL_PERIOD float 1.0 Outstation link-layer poll period [s] (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
INT_AS_BITSTRING enum 0 Use TI 51/64 (32-bit bitstring) for integer setpoints
LONG_AS_BITSTRING enum 0 Use TI 51/64 (32-bit bitstring) for long setpoints
T_EI float 10 End-Of-Initialization timeout [s] (0 = disabled)
T_CLOCKSYNC float 3600 Clock synchronization period [s] (0 = disabled)
T_GI float 60 General interrogation period [s] (0 = disabled)
T_GI_CON float 10 General interrogation confirmation timeout [s]
T_GI_TERM float 30 General interrogation termination timeout [s]
UTC_TIMESTAMPS enum 1 Transmit/receive timestamps in UTC timezone


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: regex




10.5/1.2.3 - Common Address 10.5, Information Object Address 1.2.3
3/4.5 - Common Address 3, Information Object Address 3.4
16.8/30 - Common Address 16.8, Information Object Address 30


This stack supports commands.

Command address

Type: regex




10.5/1.2.3 - Write to Common Address 10.5, Information Object Address 1.2.3 using default ASDU TI
TI45@10.5/1.2.3 - Write to Common Address 10.5, Information Object Address 1.2.3 using ASDU with TI45 - Single Command
TI48@3/4.5 - Write to Common Address 3, Information Object Address 3.4 using ASDU with TI48 - Set-point command, normalized value
16.8/30 - Write Common Address 16.8, Information Object Address 30 using default ASDU TI