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Communication object Per Row SQL provider


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
SAMPLING_PERIOD float 1 Sampling period [s] (when using master/backup configuration, don't set equal sampling period for both master and slave)
CONNECTION_STRING regex Database connection string
TABLE regex Database table name
COL_ID_NAME regex Name of column holding measurement identification (column to be matched against measurement provider address)
COL_ID_VALUE regex Name of column holding measurement value (leave empty to skip)
COL_ID_TIMESTAMP regex Name of column holding measurement timestamp (leave empty to skip)
COL_ID_QUALITY regex Name of column holding measurement quality (leave empty to skip)
UTC enum Write timestamps in UTC timezone
LOCK string ODBCLock Session lock (consider using ODBCLock when connecting to ODBC datasource)


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: string


Row identifier to lookup in identification column


Commands are not supported on this stack