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WebSocket API version 1

WebSocket API is designed to allow real-time streaming of events happening in OpenDAF runtime.

Usually it's accessible at http://server/opendaf/ws/opendaf or https://server/opendaf/ws/opendaf.


WS-API communication protocol is mostly event based. Client has to setup watches on objects of interest - measurements, commands, alarms, function modules. Once the watch is setup, WS-API server will transmit current object state, and begin transmitting state change notifications. When the client is no longer interested in given object, it can be unwatched and server will stop transmitting state changes.


Requests are JSON objects issued by the client. Each request contains request_id assigned by the client. Server executes the request and returns a response.

See request / response schema files request.json and response.json here

Requests summary

Request (request.json) Response (response.json) Description
#/types/Heartbeat #/types/Response Perform connection test
#/types/WatchMeasurements #/types/Response Cancel measurements watch
#/types/UnwatchMeasurements #/types/Response Setup measurements watch
#/types/WatchCommands #/types/Response Setup commands watch
#/types/UnwatchCommands #/types/Response Cancel commands watch
#/types/WatchFunctionModules #/types/Response Setup function modules watch
#/types/UnwatchFunctionModules #/types/Response Cancel function modules watch
#/types/WatchAlarms #/types/Response Setup alarm state change watch
#/types/UnwatchAlarms #/types/Response Cancel alarm state change watch
#/types/AckAlarms #/types/Response Acknowledge alarms
#/types/OperateAlarms #/types/Response Perform bulk operations on alarms
#/types/WriteCommands #/types/Response Perform command write transaction
#/types/ReadDatabase #/types/DatabaseResponse Read configuration database

WatchMeasurements / UnwatchMeasurements

WatchMeasuremenets request sets up watch on measurements listed. When measurement value, timestamp or quality changes, client is notified with MeasurementUpdateNotification. Initial notification is transmitted by server right after receiving the request.

UnwatchMeasurements cancels watch on measurements listed.

WatchCommands / UnwatchCommands

WatchCommands request sets up watch on commands listed. When command value is written, client is notified with CommandUpdateNotification. Initial notification is transmitted by server right after receiving the request.

UnwatchCommands cancels watch on commands listed.

WatchFunctionModules / UnwatchFunctionModules

WatchFunctionModules request sets up watch on function modules listed. When function module state changes, client is notified with FunctionModuleUpdateNotification. Initial notification is transmitted by server right after receiving the request.

UnwatchFunctionModules cancels watch on function modules listed.

WatchAlarms / UnwatchAlarms

WatchAlarms request sets up watch on alarms listed. When alarm state changes, client is notified with AlarmStateChangeNotification. Initial notification is transmitted by server right after receiving the request.

UnwatchAlarms cancels watch on alarms listed.


AckAlarms acknowledges alarms listed.


OperateAlarms performs bulk activation / deactivations / acknowledge on alarms listed.


WriteCommands performs command write transaction.


Server responds to ReadDatabase request with DatabaseResponse containing definitions of objects requested.

Sollicited response

Solicited response (response to request) is a JSON object always containing: - integer property request_id mirrored from the originating request - boolean property result, true = request succeeded, false = request failed

See schema file response.json here

Unsolicited notification

Unsolicited (spontaneous) notifications don't carry request_id property. Server transmits them when watched event occurs.

See schema file response.json here

Notification summary

Notification (response.json) Transmission trigger
#/types/MeasurementUpdateNotification Measurement value/timestamp/quality change
#/types/CommandUpdateNotification Command value/timestamp change
#/types/FunctionModuleUpdateNotification Function module state change
#/types/AlarmStateChangeNotification Alarm state change