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IEC-60870-5-101 Controlled Station Unballanced


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
DUMP enum 0 Enable communication dump
TTY tty Communication interface
BAUDRATE enum 115200 Baud rate
PARITY enum even Parity
OCTETS_LA int 1 # of octets of Link Address
RX_TIMEOUT float 10 Receive timeout [s]
STATION_ADDRESS int Station address
TX_BUFFER int 16384 Transmit buffer size
CASDU iec-60870-5-structured-address Default Common Address of ASDU
OCTETS_CA int 2 # of octets of Common Address of ASDU
OCTETS_IOA int 3 # of octets of Information Object Address
OCTETS_COT int 2 # of octets of Cause Of Transmission


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: regex




1.2.3 - Provide as Information Object Address 1.2.3 on default CA
4.5 - Provide as Information Object Address 3.4 on default CA
30 - Provide as Information Object Address 30 on default CA
5.40/1.2.3 - Provide as Information Object Address 1.2.3 on CA 5.40


This stack supports commands.

Command address

Type: regex




1.2.3 - Accept command from Information Object Address 1.2.3 on default CA
4.5 - Accept command from Information Object Address 3.4 on default CA
30 - Accept command from Information Object Address 30 on default CA
5.30/1.2.30 - Accept command from Information Object Address 1.2.30 on CA 5.30