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MRE-12AI 12x analog input module


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
ADDRESS int 80 Module address (80 + as configured via jumpers)
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
SCAN_PERIOD float 1.0 Scan period [s]


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: regex


<input-range>@<position>, where:
    - <input-range> must correspond to module hardware and is one of:
        - 4-20mA
        - +-2.5V
        - pt100
        - ntc:<R0>:<BETA>
    - <position> is the input position, 0 - 11


4-20mA@0 - 4-20 mA current loop on input 0
4-20mA@6 - 4-20 mA current loop on input 6
+-2.5V@3 - ±2.5 V range on input 3
pt100@10 - PT100 RTD on input 10
ntc:10000:3955@7 - NTC with 10kOhm nominal resistance and Beta=3955 on input 7
ntc:1000:3528@8 - NTC with 1kOhm nominal resistance and Beta=3528 on input 8


Commands are not supported on this stack