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Rotafon digitizer interface


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
DUMP_BYTES enum 0 Enable communication dump on TTY level
DUMP_PACKETS enum 0 Enable communication dump on datalink level
TTY tty ttyROT Communication interface
BAUDRATE enum 3000000 Baud rate
PARITY enum none Parity
T_RX_TIMEOUT float 0.25 Frame reception timeout [s]
T_RSP_TIMEOUT float 1 Response timeout [s]
AUTOSTART enum 1 Start sampling after connect
RECORDS_PER_TXN int 10 Number of records to pack into one transaction
SAMPLE_RATE float 250 Digitizer sample rate [Hz]
EST_ENABLE enum 0 Enable timestamp estimator
EST_LOCK_LATENCY int 1 Timestamp estimator - lock latency [record]
EST_LOCK_VALID_FOR int 2 Timestamp estimator - lock valid for [record]
EST_LOCK_INVALID_AFTER int 20 Timestamp estimator - lock invalid after [record]


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: enum


This stack supports commands.

Command address

Type: enum