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TG800 Central Station


Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DEBUG enum 0 Enable debugging
DUMP enum 0 Enable communication dump
TTY tty Communication interface
BAUDRATE enum 2400 Baud rate (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
PARITY enum even Parity (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
FLOWCONTROL enum rts-set Flow control mode using RTS/CTS lines (use rts-set on OpenBox RTUs)
N_RETRIES int 2 Maximum number of transaction retries (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
RX_TIMEOUT float 0.8 Receive timeout [s] (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
TX_BUFFER int 16384 Transmit buffer size
LINK_ADDRESS int Remote substation link address
POLL_PERIOD float 1.0 Outstation link-layer poll period [s] (must be equal for all stations on the same bus)
T_CLOCKSYNC float 3600 Clock synchronization period [s] (0 = disabled)
T_GA float 60 General interrogation period [s] (0 = execute only once)
T_GA_TERM float 10 General interrogation termination timeout [s]
GA_SYSIND_VALIDATE enum 1 System Indications GA response validation enable
UTC_TIMESTAMPS enum 1 Transmit/receive timestamps in UTC timezone
DEFAULT_STATION int 0 Default station address
DEFAULT_CUBICLE int 0 Default cubicle number
DEFAULT_CHASSIS int 0 Default chassis number
STATION_NUMBER int 1022 This station number
OVERRIDE_TIMESTAMPS enum 0 Override timestamps on data received


This stack supports measurements.

Measurement address

Type: regex




1.5 - hardware address, implicit IAC, default station, cubicle and chassis, slot 1, point 5
HW: - hardware address, implicit IAC, station 3, cubicle 0, chassis 2, slot 2, point 0
SW:10 - software address, implicit IAC, default station, point 10
3@SW:63.2400 - software address, IAC 3 - measured value, station 63, point 2400


This stack supports commands.

Command address

Type: regex




1.5 - hardware address, implicit IAC, default station, cubicle and chassis, slot 1, point 5
128@HW: - hardware address, IAC 128 - pulse command, statio 3, cubicle 0, chassis 2, slot 2, point 0
SW:10 - software address, implicit IAC, default station, point 10
131@SW:63.2400 - software address, IAC 131 - setpoing, station 63, point 2400