Transaction Ser/Des
1. Introduction
This document contains description of raw transaction protocol as provided by transaction-serdes modules. With default configuration, transaction-serdes is listening on
As this module provides unlimited access to OpenDAF transaction mechanism, it's imperative not to expose this interface to the world, i.e. transaction-serdes shall not listen on External clients shall access this interface via ssh tunnel. User credentials are of course required for such access.
2. Protocol description
Protocol is a symmetric, very native, low-level, binary, and its description will be similar :-) It's purpose is a high-speed transaction streaming between OpenDAF components. Symmetric means client and server both use the same stream structure and can both transmit and receive transactions.
There is no padding / alignment in serialized data structures.
2.1 Notations used
notation | description |
{ type } |
describes serialized layout of given structure type |
[ type ] |
represents one instance of serialized structure of given type |
type name |
represents discrete field of given data type named "name" (discrete data types have serialized layout identical to in-memory layout) |
[N * type] |
represents N instances of discrete type or serialized structures type |
<type1|type2|...|typeN> |
represents any of discrete or serialized structure types mentioned |
// |
line comment |
/* */ |
block comment |
2.2 Datatypes used
datatype | description |
string | variable-length null-terminated string |
uint16_t, uint32_t | standard C types |
int | signed integer type, 32-bit on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms |
float | IEEE-754 32-bit float |
double | IEEE-754 64-bit float |
2.3 Protocol stream structure
Protocol stream carries only [ TransactionContainer ]
{ TransactionContainer }
- int transaction_type // 0x0001 - SetTransactionMaskTransaction
// 0x0100 - MeasurementUpdateTransaction
// 0x0200 - CommandWriteTransaction
// 0x0400 - InitialMeasurementUpdateTransaction
// 0x0800 - InitialCommandWriteTransaction
// 0x1000 - InitialAlarmStateChangeTransaction
// 0x2000 - AlarmStateChangeTransaction
- uint32_t transaction_size // size of transaction field following
- <[SetTransactionMaskTransaction]|[MeasurementUpdateTransaction]|[CommandWriteTransaction]|AlarmStateChangeTransaction]> transaction
2.4 Transaction layouts
{ SetTransactionMaskTransaction }
- uint64_t mask // bitmask of transactions peer should start transmitting to us
{ MeasurementUpdateTransaction }
- uint32_t n_updates // # of updates following
- [ n_updates * [ MeasurementUpdate ] ] updates
{ InitialMeasurementUpdateTransaction }
- [ MeasurementUpdateTransaction] initial_state
{ CommandWriteTransaction }
- uint32_t n_writes // # of writes following
- [ n_writes * [ CommandWrite] ] writes
{ InitialCommandWriteTransaction }
- [ CommandWriteTransaction ] initial_state
{ AlarmStateChangeTransaction }
- uint32_t n_changes // # of changes following
- [ Timestamp ] timestamp
- string authority
- [ n_changes * [ AlarmStateChange ] ]
2.5 Auxiliary structures layout
{ InitialAlarmStateChangeTransaction }
- [ AlarmStateChangeTransaction ] initial_state
{ MeasurementUpdate }
- string measurement_name
- [ VTQ ] vtq
{ CommandWrite }
- string command_name
- [ VT ] vt
{ AlarmStateChange }
- string alarm_name
- int state // 0 - INACT_ACK, 1 - ACT_UNACK, 2 - ACT_ACK, 3 - INACT_UNACK
{ VTQ }
- [ VT ] vt
- uint16_t quality // quality & 0x00C0 => C0 = good, 00 = bad, 80 = uncertain, 40 = unused
{ VT }
- [ Value ] value
- [ T ] timestamp
{ T }
- uint64_t value // [] = us
{ Value }
- uint8_t datatype // 0 - empty, 1 - integer, 2 - long, 3 - float, 4 - double, 5 - binary, 6 - quaternary, 7 - string
- <int|int64_t|float|double|uint8_t|string> value // non-trivial datatype mapping: empty -> nothing, binary -> uint8_t, quaternary -> uint8_t
3. Usage scenarios
3.1 Realtime data acquisition
This scenario assumes clients wants to read all data from OpenDAF in realtime.
Sequence of events: 1. client connects to transaction serdes 2. client transmits SetTransactionMaskTransaction with either mask = 0x0100 or mask = 0x0500 3. server transmits SetTransactionMaskTransaction too, client can safely skip it 4. server transmits InitialMeasurementUpdateTransaction (if 0x0400 is present in mask) 5. servers continuously transmits MeasurementUpdateTransactions